AHIMS, the advanced Homoeopathic institute situated in the main cities of Kerala, governed by Dr. P. BABURAJAN, and Dr. JAYAPRASAD KARUNAKARAN assure Real Cure and Social Well-being to all.
Homoeopathy is an advanced gift to mankind, enlightened by the great personality Dr. Samuel Hahnemann to restore and maintain our health through most harmless and easiest method. Hence it achieved the second place of whole world of human concern within two centuries. |
Treatment of modern world is mainly depends on suppression or palliation of diseases and its mode is drastically changed to business oriented glamorous establishments. Unfortunately the main stream beneficiary and their preferences are under the influence of these corporate setup and it affects the society as ‘himsa’ instead of getting real cure. Advanced Homoeopathy, our concern, is the only way to overcome this dangerous situation.
The services of AHIMS can get you either through Direct contact or Online. |
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