Homoeopathy is a science of alternative medicine enlightened by the German Physician & Scientist Dr. Christian Frederic Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), who was a rebellious allopath in 1826 at Germany. Master Hahnemann, at the peak of his frustration about Allopathic practice, conceived a unique idea which laid foundation of Homeopathy. He gifted the medical world with golden rule of '' Similia Similibus curentur '' which means let likes be cured by likes. This means that a substance capable of producing certain effects in a healthy human being is capable of curing any illness that displays similar effects in diseased persons. System Of Homeopathy Homeopathy is based on some principles.
Law of similimum: a drug cures those symptoms in diseased person, which it may cause in healthy persons. To find a remedy, we need to compare symptoms in a patient, to symptoms of remedies in MATERIA MEDICA, which is data bank of symptoms collected by reputed past homoeopaths.
Law of minimum dose: it says that minimum possible single dose may be used to minimise side-effects of any medicine.
Medicines are prepared by potentization.
law of miasms: if indicated remedy do not work, despite the best possible selection, look for obstruction in cure, which he defined as a miasm [ vitiated atmosphere in bod , not conducive to cure by similimum]
Hering's law of cure: during perfect cure, symptoms may shift from above downward or from vital organs to less vital structures.
Pharmacology Of Homeopathy Medicines are prepared strictly in a standardized manner by combining medicinal dilution with potentization. Serial dilutions reduces quantity of medicines, while simultaneous potentization raises its efficacy to unbelievable heights. Extreme dilution renders medicines free of side-effects, whereas potentization render it with million fold efficacy It is paradoxical that despite reduction in medicinal quantity, its curative powers are multiplied due to potentization. By repeating the process, it achieves phenomenal powers to cure. With reduction in medicinal material, side-effects are zeroed and only healing powers are left in higher potencies .This is the greatest Hahnemannian gift to the ailing world, simultaneously, the greatest medical puzzle to modern medicine. Sources of medicine ranges from inorganic salts, minerals, metals, herbs, vegetations, plant juices, biological products, animal products, energies(x-ray), inert materials and many others. It was really a wonder that even sand gave excellent medicine silicea. Medicines are prepared with dilution and potentization in inert vehicles like lactose sugar, alcohol, or water etc. Medicines are named according to its source and method of dilution and potentization. For example, Arnica 30 means So original 1 ml of arnica plant juice is diluted by a factor of 1/100 every time, for 30 times, with potentization. So original 1 ml of arnica plant juice is diluted serially with zillions of liters of alcohol for dilution with potentization. This method of preparation of homoeo medicines seems controversial to Modern Pharmacology or Chemistry because according to Avogadro's number, no substance can found above trillionth dilution. In other words, even the most sensitive laboratory can hardly detect any drug substance in /above 12 potency. They think medicines cannot work this way. Till today, we have no answer, why it should work at all. Despite this unanswered enigma, it cured millions of patients, all types acute / chronic / serious / injuries /burns/allergies/ psychiatric/ pediatric and what not. So, it works definitely and works still better with higher dilution. Arnica works from zero dilution to cm dilution [diluted 100,000 times] Best results are not with undiluted arnica, but 1000 or 10000 or 50000 times diluted arnica. It seems that medicine produces imprints on the vehicle [alcohol or sugar] and with repeated process though medicinal quantity is reduced materially, but its imprint on vehicle is sharpened for longer life. Dispensing Of Medicines Homoeopathic medicines can be dispensed in alcoholic drops, lactose powders, sucrose pills and many more. The original potencies are kept in alcohol and from it is dispensed further in form of powder, pills, tablets etc. Sugar base may be cane sugar or milk sugar. Its dispensation is non-glamorous as pills may be too small to believe its fabulous curative powers. Medicines are always taken on empty stomach. Avoid any food /liquid before and after half an hour. Take on tongue and let it be dissolved there. Do not swallow it. Alcoholic drops are mixed with plane water and are to be swallowed. Advantages Of Homeopathy
It has no side-effects, whatsoever.
Easy to be taken even by non co-operative children .Small sweet pills, drops, powders --- a dream of patient and doctor!
Easy to manufacture on mass level in large quantities, even at short notices as in epidemics .No panic of shortage.
It is cheaper .So suitable for mass distribution and government and charity supplies.
It is holistic in approach, so cures pt perfectly. Gentle cures, no medicinal hang over. or after-effects.
In an expert's hands, it is very accurate and fast [though many thinks it to be slow].
It has prophylactic value with more accuracy than vaccinations and that too without side-effects of vaccines.
It has a great working in trauma, burn, stroke, mental shock.
It is very much effective in veterinary field. Since, animals have higher body weight than man, so medical doses and costing are forbidding.
It has a potential of wide coverage of specialities like paediatrics, skin, gynaec and obstetrics, orthopaedics, psychiatry, etc.
It has scope in agriculture and fertilizers
It is the best alternative and complimentary to allopathy. In France, it used by surgeons to potentiate allopathy.
Scopes Of Homeopathy WHO has accepted it as an alternative system of medicine. It is practiced in many counties like India, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland U.K., France etc, but it has highest number of followers in India, millions every year.
It will be the second most sought after system, second to allopathy.
After superb conquest of bacterial infection by antibiotics, in future viral infections will rule and homeopathy is best with viral infections.
With increasing medicinal costs, for poor it will be the only option left.
Increase in stress and psychiatric diseases and allergic diseases, it will be an ideal choice.
In prevention of diseases, it will be used more.
It will be a drug of choice in veterinary field.
Agriculture and fertilizers will use it more .And so on
It will help in super humanisation of mankind - better height and statures sound mental health low criminality anti miasmatic treatment helps in normalising criminals so on.